We provide free shipping to most countries, if you purchase from our EU warehouse, we will arrange the shipping with 24 hours, if you purchase from our Chinese factory, we will arrange the shipment within 3 working days, (except the weekend and some special holidays) and send you the tracking number, please refer to below form for the shipping methods and cost:
Some accessories and harness which only available in China, it is shipping from China via China post as default. Usually it need take 12-28 days. If you want a faster way, we can shipping you via EMS(5-12 days) or DHL(3-7 days, may have tax when you received), but you need pay extra shipping fees 15 euro via Here.
Please note if you buy the items from China warehouse,the import taxes are needed in most countries,it is depends on your local custom policy and it is the recipient's responsibility.
Buy from Germany,Australia and US warehouse,usually customer do not need to pay any import taxes.